Peyote Cookies Canadelaar
Informazioni sulle varietà
- Valutazione media
- 3
- Prezzo medio
- € 8,00
- Brand
- Canadelaar
5 out of 5 stars
Basato su 1 valutazione
Review data
5 star reviews
- 100%
4 star reviews
- 0%
3 star reviews
- 0%
2 star reviews
- 0%
1 star reviews
- 0%
Recensione Peyote Cookies Canadelaar
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Recent reviews
misty hotbox111
/ 5
im a dutch guy, but im gonna write down in English anyway. very high quality, i went for this strain because i get very relaxed on indica plants. i only put in 1/4th of a gram, mixed with tabbaco. i felt the effect imediatly, and very smooth and dried, so not a harsh feeling in the troaty. this is getting me stoned as a stone in water